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It's Over 00:00 / 05:25
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It's Over 05:25
--- It’s over it’s a lost space and it’s overly lost space and then and now then and again Come, ask me for another I’ll say it’s over for now but later I’ll think then and now then and again It’s lost It’s space It’s over but I’m not and you’re not We’re not a life we’ve left a space ---
WAR 05:40
--- WAR Fear, within a square sensory/shape less there seems to be no feeling (sense), there seems to be no reason (sense), there seems to not be any – unbounded: that was inside. heading towards a line, angle the wind colder a voice barking consequential thoughts/sides taken pressure like blood (and the smell of) pushing back – maybe crossing: that was outside. WATCH ME WATCHING THE DAY PASSES WITH A WITNESS DIZZY THE GUARD Failure, the structures collapsing, and the question is asked, what gives you hope, and the asker needs to know. What gives you hope is passing it around, the asker says, the saving each other, from falling, saving again, from failure, the structures, saving from, again, from collapsing, structures saving, from falling again, from failure again from ...the choice to face...to collide...suicide...to determine...embrace...hate...one...all one... We are ? relat – ed After many raised knives, thrones cuts ? and band – ed. We were ? rift – ed. A war like this war you, my, I, We are re – lated. Practicing the words, the thoughts, in my head. meet with – out meet with – out meet with – out. ---
Easy, Tempo 03:33
--- easy tempo layers music inhale sanity energy body air inside out moment and the next moment space close open Can't not smile here Can't not breathe here ---
Normality 01:14
--- I can't afford to feel Anything if I Start it will Escalate into an Insanity which will be Transformed into Normality ---
Two Part 04:24
Possession 04:06
--- Possession Infant Comfort Grasp Old Dreams Clouded or Faded No Dreams Light Smile Living Exhale More Light Smile Pleasure The Judge Says Love Is Too A Drug ---
Transparent 04:38
--- up to the minute shifting, conscious stable, unstable zen center Desire unfilled, transparent designated cascade of standoff, storehouse errant, convulsive knee-deep, named Desire loquacious, veracious sagacious, audacious creature, study user, free locura, messy his, her Desire ---
Three Wishes 02:46
and I will 03:35
--- A fortress common, fragile. We got tired of being exposed and semi cut open tragedies awaiting tragedies. Wanting to take comfort in a resolution, no: Pieces, juxtaposed, ill-fitting jigsaw, is it beauty? is it beautiful? ---
Wind Chime 04:21


composition and text by Sarah Bernstein
featuring percussion by Satoshi Takeishi


released June 7, 2011

Sarah Bernstein violin/voice/processing
Satoshi Takeishi drums/percussion
James Dellatacoma recording engineer
Michael Fossenkemper mastering
Nisi Jacobs cover video stills
Eric Palmerlee design



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Sarah Bernstein New York

Sarah Bernstein is a violinist, composer, improviser, vocalist, and poet based in NYC.

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